Even though it's old, the Samurai Shodown series is not for the inexperienced gamer. It is unfortunate that the game suffers from obvious slowdown, especially with such dated-looking graphics, throwing rhythm off balance and interfering with the timing so desperately needed to win. Visually, the signature two-dimensional graphics and use of camera-zooming while in the midst of a battle are a testament to the times each game was created, though it can also be straining on the eyes with time. The game's classic Kung-Fu soundtrack is actually one of the most appealing factors, if not stressfully repetitive when playing for hours on end. Samurai Shodown Anthology contains six slices of weapon-based one-on-one fighting madness and is arguably one of the finest retro assortments we’ve yet seen on the Wii. The alterations of character designs and game mechanics are all here, for better or for worse, as they appeared in the original releases. What Anthology does well is present how the game progresses throughout the years.

With an incredible list of characters on this final Shodown title and noticeably improved graphics over its predecessors, SSVI is among the most enjoyable installments of the entire series.
Samurai shodown anthology work on wii u plus#
The sixth and final Showdown features a total of 41 characters with an incredible catalog that spans the entire series plus new ones including Andrew, Iroha, Sugoroku Matsuribayashi, and Karakuri Ocha-Maro. Unfortunately, as the Samurai Shodown Anthology gets progressively faster, slowdown issues on this re-release seem to occur more frequently, making winning frustratingly difficult and time-consuming. The Slash and Burst system is gone, and players are given a more extensive defensive system that allows them to dodge attacks much quicker. Samurai Shodown V serves as a prequel to the original title in the series, with the addition of new characters and more changes in gameplay. Unfortunately, Showdown IV is also where players may begin to notice slowdown in framerate and lag in movements, skewing the precise timing and rhythm critically needed to be successful.
Samurai shodown anthology work on wii u full#
It also features several changes in gameplay with more intricate combos, elaborate finishers, and the infamous suicide move to take one's own life in order to start with a full power bar in the next round.

Samurai Shodown IV reverts back to the brighter and more cartoonish look of the original two, now featuring all characters from SSIII with the addition of ninja brothers Kazma Kazuki and Kazma Sogetsu.